I woke up early and went for a walk while Tony showered. Two bald eagles on the river, chasing stuff. Two river otters, sliding into the water.

Wow, nice place. Great breakfast. Yes we are into food! Slept great. Then at 9:00 am had an omelet with smoked cheddar cheese, cherry to tomatoes, basil. Toast , pan potatoes, fruit, orange juice, strong coffee. Love it when someone else cooks.
Then we needed to go for a walk to burn off breakfast.

This property is for sale next to the Haida House.....sigh....if we were younger!

The walk to the beach. Love the dunes.

At east beach. It goes on forever .

The start of our hike through the rain forest to the shipwreck. It looks easy , but I did not get a chance to take photos of the harder parts. It took us four hours to walk 10 km. usually it only takes us two. The hike is rated as easy.....not.

Ok we are off.

The trees, moss and vegetation was amazing.

So much green.
The shipwreck was worth the walk.

The whole hike took four hours.
Our dinner at night was fabulous. Broccoli soup, prawns, halibut and. Creme de brûlée. Another walk beiore bed and then sleep. Looks like sun tomorrow.